Programme of the 9th Women Congress in Brussels

9.12 K1 KANAL-Centre Pompidou

1, avenue du Port
1000 Brussels

“Masculinities, Other Bonds”

In the era of politicization of the category of “masculinity”, which is becoming the basic interpretation of populisms (Trumpism, Putinism, the incel movement and male supremacy), we want to look at masculinity open to change, relationships, a peripheral masculinity, sensitive, perhaps being created anew. A contemporary thought in culture (including Polish) develops
reflection on masculinity in crisis, masculinity excessively committed to violence, and creates new, alternative proposals of “sensitive masculinity”, leading to rethinking of the social pact of gender difference and patterns of coexistence.

9h30 doors open
10h-10h15 welcome: Kasia Redzisz, Agata Araszkiewicz, Anna Kiejna, Zuzanna Radzik
singing of the anthem: Malika El Barkani
hosting: Aleksandra Suhodolska

Intro: Valerie Sperling: How masculinity legitimates political regimes: Putin and others ( video 5 minutes)

10h15 – 12h15

    How to write a history of masculinity? Since the 19th century, “masculinity” has become a basic category for describing the world and creating norms and scientific or political discourses. How is patriarchy connected with feudalism, capitalism and populism? Are men always the winners of
    social processes? How to understand the incel culture’s reactionary nature and feminist politics? (masculinity as privilege and violence)
    Participation: Kacper Pobłocki, Katarzyna Szkuta, Wojciech Śmieja (video), Patrycja Wieczorkiewicz, Katarzyna Więckowska
    Supervision: Agata Araszkiewicz; Hosting: Agata Araszkiewicz, Magdalena Środa

12h15-13h15 – lunch break
Intro: Renata Piotrowska-Auffret about the play “Uteri Migrantes” (video 3 minutes)


    Emigration brings about a variety of behaviors among men who become entrenched in traditional
    patterns in response to progressive changes. Is reactionism the only possible answer? How can we
    study the phenomenon of masculinity in the context of emigration? What does the émigré
    perspective say about masculinity? How to understand sexual violence (against) men in a post-
    colonial context?
    Participation: Viola Davie, Julia Laureau, Sylwia Urbańska, Ecem Nazli Üçok
    Supervision: Sylwia Urbańska
    Hosting: Anna Kiejna and Zuzanna Radzik
    15h15-15h45 – break

Intro – Anna Kiejna about Elina Chauvet’s public art installation “red shoes” as part of the international day for the elimination of violence against women 25/11/23 (5 minutes)


    How to encourage men towards feminism? How to educate towards a new masculinity: sensitive, open, dialogical, beyond domination and violence? How to positively affirm the image of transmasculinity and masculinity with disabilities?
    Participation: Anton Ambroziak, Kamil Błoch (wideo), Michał Bomastyk, Alicja Długołęcka, Natalia Jerzak, Katarzyna Renes, Bartosz Żurowski, wylot
    Supervision: Agata Araszkiewicz and Anna Kiejna
    Hosting: Irmina Kotiuk and Katarzyna Ważyńska-Finck
    17h45 Summary of the Congress: Magdalena Środa

18h15 Performance “Men’s talk”, dir. Katarzyna Warnke, 90 minutes
Comment: wylot, Katarzyna Renes and Katarzyna Warnke

Men’s talk is a response to the well-known phenomenon of “mensplaining”, described by Rebecca Solnit, whereby men explain the world – primarily to women and sexual minorities. The performance by the Grupa Kalifornia [California Group] is an attempt to capture the condition of a generation for which gender is not a limitation and, in the gender-queer context, it can redefine itself as a value and inspiration. What is masculinity? How is identity built and does it require looking for support in authorities? Finally, and about time: men explain the world to THEMSELVES. And among themselves.
Performers: Maciej Łączyński, Dominik Rubaj, Adam Szustak

Café Forum – supervision: Zuzanna Radzik, cooperation Bartosz Żurowski

12.15-12:45 The first Polish helpline for men. Meeting with Michał Bomastyk (Institute for Prevention of Exclusions) – hosted by Zuzanna Radzik
12:45-13:15 Briefly about books. Conversation with and [opportunity for] book signing by Alicja Długołęcka and Agata Araszkiewicz – hosted by Zuzanna Radzik
13.15-14:15 – “Men’s well-being” – Tomasz Wolszczak (Men’s Circles, Brussels), Sylwia Mańko (psychologist) and Ewa Litke (midfulness and yoga trainer) – hosted by Bartosz Żurowski
14.30-15.00 How to raise boys? Meeting with Natalia Jerzak (Herstory Foundation) – hosted by Bartosz Żurowski
15.15-16.15 – Briefly about books. Conversation with and book signing by Kacper Pobłocki, Patrycja Wieczorkiewicz, Wioleta Rymszewicz – hosted by Bartosz Żurowski
16.15-16:45 – “Men’s “cuisine interne”” – Łukasz Kozik (Lucas The Baker / “Upiekło mi się”), Dionisios Sturis (cooking reporter) – hosted by Zuzanna Radzik
16.45-17:15 – How to introduce a local equality policy in the Sub-Carpathian region? Dariusz Bożek (Mayor of the City of Tarnobrzeg), Justyna Uchańska (Leader of Equality) – hosted by Zuzanna Radzik
17:15-18:00 – “Director – violent by education?” – interview with Katarzyna Warnke and Tomasz Węgorzewski – hosted by Bartosz Żurowski

Workshops – supervision by Anna Siwek:

12h15-13h45 Alicja Długołęcka, SLOWLY UNBUTTONING THE SHIRT
I invite you to stripe the male sexuality of stereotypes. Together we will look at how ignoring emotions versus integrating them with sexuality works. How to disarm shame, embrace fear, set boundaries, open up to experiencing male aspects of sexuality in full?
Limited number of places (max 15 participants)

14h – 15h30 Anna Kozik, “SpotkAnya on the way to work with meaning”: “WHAT IS WORTH LEARNING FROM MEN IN THE LABOR MARKET?”

  • Increasing Self-Confidence:
    • You will begin to use male self-confidence building strategies, which will allow you to effectively present your skills and experience, gaining confidence in the recruitment process.
  • Effective Application:
    • You will be less selective in choosing offers and you will curb your perfectionist tendencies, which will make it easier for you to obtain interesting job offers.
  • Smart Self-Promotion:
    • You will learn what to add to your CV to attract the attention of employers and stand out from the competition.
  • Effective Use of Social Media in Your Job Search:
    • You will start building a professional image online and getting offers through social media.
  • Modern Tools in Building a Professional Image:
    • You will be aware which free tools are worth using.
  • Approach to Effective Negotiations:
    • You will know when women are as effective as men in negotiations.
  • Stress Management during job interviews:
    • You will be able to use stress-reducing tricks, maintaining calm and self-confidence even in difficult recruitment situations.

Warning! Participation in this meeting may cause the effects described above.

15h45-17h45 Małgorzata Jokipii, DARE TO ASK
I warmly invite you to workshops on finding pleasure in sex. We will talk about discovering authentic pleasure – how to tune in to it, how to recognize it and how to cultivate it – alone and in a relationship. We will talk a lot during the workshop – come open to listening to yourself and others.

Program supervision: Agata Araszkiewicz, cooperation Anna Kiejna
Program group: Anna Kiejna, Irmina Kotiuk, Katarzyna Szkuta, Katarzyna Ważyńska-Finck,
Zuzanna Radzik
Cafe Forum supervision: Zuzanna Radzik, cooperation Bartosz Żurowski
Organizational supervision: Anna Siwek, cooperation: Ewa Żełudziewicz
Technical direction: Agata Szybowska
Sound design: Malika El Barkani
Fair coordination: Agnieszka Wach, Anna Szmit, Iga Wasilewicz
Translation coordination: Anna Szmit
Children’s corner: Agnieszka Wach, Ela Wysocka
Multimedia coordination: Dominika Trzaska, Agata Szybowska
Social media: Agata Araszkiewicz, Katarzyna Szkuta, Anna Kiejna, Iga Wasilewicz, Inga Czerny
Media spokeswoman: Inga Czerny

Organizational cooperation: Paula Bogutyn…

We would like to thank all our guests who contributed to prepare the program.